Old 01-09-2011, 03:59 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 284

Originally Posted by Connie Merritt
I just had to add another 2 cents worth. Did anyone realize that a fabric shop is one place where a woman alone can go without feeling out of place? If she is elderly, spouse has passed, friends are also gone or moved or in nursing homes. Is this a "safe" place for her to roam around, talk to someone, perhaps she did not have conversation training. I am not trying to put anyone down for their beliefs or remarks. I am trying to remind all that we could be in that situation, my husband passed 9 years ago, my children live out of state, I am 73 and can't drive at night or a lot because of gas prices, do I really need to go on? Can we simply wear someone elses shoes for a while. Can we take a try at common sense. Please take a breath and love thy neighbor as thy self or do you love yourself?
When I go, I'm usually there for 2-3 hours.I went last week and took a freshly baked cake with me.There were about 4-5 other women in the shop so we all sat around with the owner,her daughter,and her mother eating cake and talking about quilting.. There were other customers that came in and didn't have time to stay and talk,but they came over and talked to the owner's mother for just a moment anyway.After we ate cake we picked out fabric to buy and made sure to talk to her mother before we all left.If everyone just treated just one person with friendship and kindness that way the world would be a better place.My grandma had a very good motto."What you send out comes back to you".
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