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Old 01-09-2011, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by turtlerouge
Oh man, do I have questions of how to care for these little ones. The breeder shipped them from Va to me Dec. 30, when the temps were freezing, she didn't put on the outside of the box, "Live animals" via Fedex, so when they reached Pitts Airport, they were delayed by freezing rain for 8 hrs. By the time I picked them up and they were pretty cold, so i soaked them in lukewarm water on a lid, they showed signs of life by opening their tiny mouths.
I took them home, soaked them again, and again they were opening their mouths. I thought they were hungry, I put some marzuri mush on my finger & they wouldn't eat it, I put them under a heat lamp, but not directly over top of them and again, they opened their mouths. I emailed the breeder and told her what I did, but she said that I was killing them. She told me that I was worse than Fedex and it any care instructions before I got them nor after. She demanded me not to contact her again, she blackballed me as a person who is cruel to animals and that I should seek med. attention for mental disease. I was fuming. I'm doing the best that I know how to care for them from reading the internet.
OK - as SOON as my husband gets home I am going to have him get on here because any breeder worth their salt would NEVER do anything like this!! My husband and I have been going back and forth with Wildlife and Fisheries about all the laws they are passing about reptiles for pets and it is people like THAT who give people who care a bad name!!

I sent you a PM with my number and I know that my husband will be more than happy to talk to you and do whatever he can to help!!
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