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Old 01-10-2011, 05:28 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by cwessel47
I wondered how you were going to use 7 fabrics to recreate a pattern that only used three. You might want to add another couple of greens for your bargello so its introduction in the colorway isn't too abrupt. Just my thoughts.
Re: the blue feathered star quilt in the first post
That pattern doesn't work because there are three colors - it works because there are 3 values. You can use as many fabrics as you want, as long as you have contrast between them.

So from the 7 original fabrics, there were 2 lights, 2 mediums (reds), 1 dark (green) to use for the feathered star.

The larger floral could have been used to fussy cut the backgrounds instead of using the white tone-on-tone (would have been a bit more interesting because EVERYONE uses the white tone-on-tone for background).
Or the bouquet motifs could have been fussy cut from the border fabric for the background squares, and/or could also have been used in the sashing between the blocks.

Every block doesn't have to be exactly the same. That sample picture is pretty....lame. The quilt could be so much more dynamic when there is something to cause your eye to look all over, rather than the same block over and over and over again. Not to mention how boring it is to sew the same exact thing over and over again.

While the original fabrics aren't in a style I use (I'm a lime green and purple kinda gal), I think they would have been lovely in that pattern. However, I also totally understand falling out of love with a pattern.

But the above really applies to any pattern/block.
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