Old 11-18-2008, 03:51 PM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 3

I always had top of the line Singers, loved my last one but they have changed. I now have a Brother 1500P, it is wonderful, but it's only a straight stitcher but for piecing & any straight sewing it is the best.

I, also have a Janome 6500 that I really like too.

And for classes, I bought the Brother CX6000, I think that's the model # & I really love that too.

They all came with all the feet & the Evenfoot too.

That's what was nice with Singer too, they had everything before every body else them. Stuff that is just showing up now, drop in bobbin, thread cutter, stop & go, needle down, etc.

Now, some machines, you have to pay extra for every little additonal foot, etc.

But my Big Brother is the best on stitching regular stitching.

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