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Old 01-10-2011, 05:41 PM
Taughtby Grandma
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Colorado Springs
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My mom came from a big family, there were 17 children. When the family got together the women would quilt and cook and the men would finish whatever work there was then play cards. The kids would play under the quilt in the frame and listen to the stories from the women as they worked,and thread the needles. The babies were layed on a bed kept warm by my grandma's quilts. In the summer we had enough people for 2 baseball teams. Then after dinner the ones lucky enough to have the gift would play musical instuments, the rest of us came up with song titles and we all sang. Now there's just my youngest brother and I and neither one of us can play an instrument. I'm glad I can quilt so I can pass that much of the legacy on to the babies.
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