Old 11-20-2008, 09:59 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 14

I'm totally bumping this so more people can check it out. I love this shop and have been a newsletter subscriber since this summer. They just added a bunch of new stuff a little while ago and changed the quilt kit pattern... not sure when you looked at it last- but I really like the new kit design. Last one was a baby quilt which wasn't really my thing at the time.. but I really want to buy the new one. I've bought fabric squares and rectangles from them in the past and they were great so now I'm ready to try a kit. Also, I just got an email from them about a Thanksgiving weekend "Super Sale" for subscribers and friends and family. I posted the details of it just a couple minutes ago in another thread specifically looking for fabric deals- but in a nutshell I get 50% off 100 or more and my friends and family get 40% (plus there is free shipping on Friday the 28th). I think you get the coupons if you signup any time before the sale starts on Friday. The sale email says that and one of my quilting friends who tried it wrote me back and told me that she did get the 50% off coupon code for herself. I'm so excited, and like you guys I love the idea behind this site. When I can't sleep I sit there for hours playing with how the different fabrics look together.
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