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Old 01-12-2011, 06:33 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: NH
Posts: 37

Agreed! Free motion quilting is out of the question UNLESS - as you can easily do for straight row stitching - place tissue paper between the fleece & whichever foot it is facing. Addition pulling & stretching happens while handling the material - or due to too much/little machine pressure - or pushing/pulling under the foot while stitching.
The tissue works famously! Made a dozen fleece blankets for our DAR chapter for a statewide project. A Maine retired Army nurse goes to the evac hospital in Iraq - one month a year. She gives the blankets to the soldiers for the trip to Germany. ( The planes can get pretty darned cold in-flight! )
Some of us make the blankets throughout the year - & stockpile them for her next trip over. Unlike 'Soldiers' Angels' whom have to pay for shipping there - this woman has finagled the military to ship them with her! Anyone interested in making/donating blankets - please PM me. If your local DAR doesn't have a similar program - I'll try to help get the ball rolling.
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