Thread: fibromyalgia
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Old 01-12-2011, 08:59 AM
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Posts: 245

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2004. I too have tried so many different medications. I have all 18 triggers and the pain is so bad that even wearing clothes hurt. Some days my husband can't even give me a hug because it hurts so bad. Right now they have me on Gabapentin, three 300mg three times a day. I tried Lyrica in 2008 but I had so many problems with it such as swelling and pain in my legs and suicidal tendencies which the last one I almost went into a coma. They couldn't get me to wake up. They did everything from pinching me to the sternum rub (which wakes up most people) without any results. The ambulance ran lights a siren all the way to the hospital and the paramedics gave me 3 doses of the medication that takes the medicines out of your system (sorry, I can't remember the name of it). I finally came to just as the ambulance pulled into the hospital. I'm on 13 different meds right now (I have other health problems). When they took me off Lyrica, the depression has subsided and the swelling in my legs is gone. They put me back on the Gabapentan and it controls it somewhat. My point is, watch what the reactions she has to any medications they put her on. Some meds work better on different people. She is in my prayers. I know what she is going through.
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