Thread: fibromyalgia
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Old 01-12-2011, 07:42 PM
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I have had fibromyalgia for the past 16 years and finally gave up working in May of last year. The release in stress was remarkable. I was using a cane as I have fallen many, many times and was black and blue all over, which did not help at all. I have flown to Colorado to a "special fibro clinic", a waste of money for sure. I finally went to an acupuncturist with a masters and she has gotten me to the point where I don't fall as much and can at least set still for more than 20 minutes at a time. The Mayo would not see me as they see fibro patients all the time and there is no cure so it would not benefit me or them to see me. Some of the things that go with fibromyalgia are IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) sleep apnea and the biggest one is depression which can rule and ruin your life. As said above, diet makes a big difference along with small amounts of exercise, warm baths, (a hot tub is great) and a support group is also very important as there are other people that actually know what she is going through. The gabapentin (also a mood alterating drug)can be a good thing for some people but not for everyone. Also there is Lyrica that works well. Make sure she has a good neuro doctor. That is extremely important and visits a local health store for good vitamins.
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