Thread: fibromyalgia
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Old 01-12-2011, 08:26 PM
cheryl rearick
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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I went into 3 years of depression before I found out what I had, MOST Dr. do not like to say you have Fibro, as we know it is a name made up because they don't know what really causes it, Trauma, a fall (I fell on the job), car accident, loss of a mate, many tings cause fibro. They tried me on many medications, I looked up the names of these meds, nothing was working so I said why take it, My memory went wacko, I quit being able to sleep nights, after 15 years I've learned to adapt. I take no medication, when I feel I'm being ate alive and can't stand it, I take two extra strength excedrin, go sit down and drink something warm. I've been told to excerise, that is pain PLUS, sleep study says I wake up 18 times an hour. I've learned to feel rested, If you live close to your daughter and can help her with the little one, that is what I would suggest. Let her go and just be quiet for a bit, with no worries or thoughts. By the way excerise hurts because of my back Sciatic nerve issue. I also like Amanda's plan, omit certain things in a diet, it has been know to do wonders. :)
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