Thread: fibromyalgia
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:02 PM
Marie R
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Location: Fort Jones, California
Posts: 40

I have had fibromyalgia for a number of years and for the first few years I tried everything anyone would suggest. None really hellped and I felt the frustration your daughter feels. Eventually I learned that my attitude had a great deal to do with how I felt. I finally decided I was tired of being a victim and I was going to do the best I could to make my life worth while. The things that help me are hot baths, walking, and doing things that kept me busy and occupy my mind. Quillting, embroidery, finding something you enjoy. No one who does not have this can truly understand what it is like, and sometimes its just darn hard, but please tell your daughter that in time we learn to deal with it and to put it on the back burner so that it is not the focus of our lives.
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