Thread: fibromyalgia
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Old 01-13-2011, 11:42 AM
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Location: New Mexico
Posts: 245

All of your comments I can relate to and have been very helpful. It is so nice to know that there are others that are going through what I am going through. People that don't have fibro just don't understand the pain, depression, and sensitivity that we all have. I have become so scent sensitive that some of the cleaning stuff I just can't use because of the smell. I can't be around ANY perfumes/colognes. This disease takes over your life to the point where you just don't want to get out of bed. Exercise for most people works but in my case, I can hardly walk because of a birth defect in my hip. I can't lift weights because of nerve damage in my neck and lower back from a car accident. I have fallen so many times that it's not funny, the most recent (and worst) is when I slipped on the ice, fell on my back after twisting my bad hip, and hit the back of my head on concrete. I still have a knot from that. We use to have a hot tub and that worked wonders but we (or should I say my husband) got rid of it because our water is so bad that the calcium would just cover everything (even with the chemicals they suggest). It's hard to stay positive because of the pain 24/7 but with my crafts, my quilts right now, and with wonderful people such as yourselves keep me going.
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