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Old 01-13-2011, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by kwilter
Please lay out your future quilts flat, never folded, and use a 12" or 15" square ruler to square the corners, moving up the sides with a 6"x24" ruler. Then carefully measure the width of the quilt through its middle and the length also through the middle. These measurements wil give you the precise length and width of the borders, top, bottom and sides. You will be happy with the results. Check out the YouTube tutorials for a lot of info on attaching borders, etc., I like Missouri Star Quilt Shop tutes the best. :thumbup: :thumbup:
Great directions here! And if you can, get yourself a Big Board which fits on top of your ironing board. It is about 55 inches long. They have a cutting mat that fits it exactly. I have found that when I am cutting it helps to push the ruler up against the wall. This keeps it from slipping sideways and keeps the cut more accurate. Also, I think someone else mentioned to not fold when squaring up a quilt. I love your quilt and so will your son. Happy quilting.
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