Old 01-13-2011, 11:55 PM
Rainy Day
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Originally Posted by Mattee
I think I'm confused by your use of the phrase "living fiber." What exactly does that mean? I'm only used to defining "life" in a biology class, and cotton in a fabric doesn't qualify, as it doesn't excrete waste, absorb food, or reproduce, just to name a few. I think we're having a terminology problem. What does it mean?

Originally Posted by jaciqltznok
plastic not only gives off toxic gas when exposed to extreme temp changes, the UV rays can penetrate it and cause undo aging/spots on the fabrics. If stored in air tight containers, you cotton can dry rot.
No one here (on this QB list) seems to realize that cotton is a living breathing fiber...if you cut off the air supply it will die(rot)....
So this is why peoples stashes keep breeding!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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