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Old 01-14-2011, 06:30 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by Carron
I have my computerized sewing machine pluged into a very expensive surge protector which in turn is pluged into another surge protector.
An expensive protector is the same circuit that sells for $7 in the grocery store. Superior 'whole hosue' protector costs about $1 per protected appliance. Why spend so much more for something that does less? Advertising.

How do millimeters in a switch stop something that three miles of sky could not stop? How do those hundreds of joules aborb surges that are hundreds of thousands of joules. You stil have zero protection. Since its joules are near zero (not zero), then it can claim 100% protection in advertising. They are not lying. It is 100% protection from tiny surges that cause no damage. And does nothing for destructive surges.

They cannot lie in spec numbers. Read those numbers. Hundreds of joules. Near zero protection. They are selling an image; a profit center because you paid so much.
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