Old 01-14-2011, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Gwyn
Sweet Cravings: First, don't keep the ones you crave in your house. Ban chocolate or ice cream or whatever will get you going. They litterally call you from the cupboard..."I'm here, eat me, you know you want me..." Well, remember what happened when Eve forgot to run the other way? Right and we all bear the brunt of the fall.

Second: Go outside and walk around. Yes, put that coat on and get some fresh air. Your body may be craving energy and sugar is a quick solution. Get a bit of exercise.

Third: Take a shower or soak in the tub. Drink a tall glass of crystal clear water with a slice of lemon in it and plenty of ice - Sonic and McDonalds have the best ice for crunching, in my opinion. Or, find some clean snow and give yourself the thrill of eating it.

Fourth: Go to the local beauty college and have your hair washed and blown dry, get your nails done, have a facial or best of all, a warm oil scalp treatment.

Fifth: Remember...NOTHING tastes as good as being slender(skinny, healthy, under control) feels.

Sixth: If nothing has worked, walk to the second closest convenience store and buy a small package of M&Ms. Eat them slowly as you walk home...then give the leftovers to your kids.

Does that help?

If you are craving because your blood sugar is low, try brushing your teeth with minty toothpaste. It helps mine come up just enough for me to get a grip.

If your blood sugars are too high or spiking, you may need to be on an oral medication for diabetes.

And you can always go back to tea time for the 3:00 - 4:00 munchy time. This has helped me the most. I am now off sugar and sugary things. Chocolate doesn't even smell right any more. Although, that cup of home made cocoa with a bit of peppermint was really good last night.

Don't get me wrong, I don't do this perfectly, but you asked for suggestions so I gave you a few. Be nice, it is !:00 am and I need to get off the computer and go to bed.
I was once told when you crave sweets, eat a pickle!!! Then you have to worry about the salt content! Oh well!! My WW leader says never to deprive yourself---eat just a bite or two.
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