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Old 01-14-2011, 09:35 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: NW Illinois
Posts: 561

I listened to the owner of Malden Mills as he talked about fleece. When washing you should use powdered detergent not liquid as the liquid contains surfectants which reduce the breathability of fleece. Do not use fabric softener as this eventually will build up and make the fleece feel stiff. Use white vinegar instead for softening and reducing static. NEVER put it in the dryer, except on air dry. These "rules" are repeated by Nancy Crowell in her books on fleece garment sewing. When sewing fleece use a slightly longer stitch, on my machine, bump up from the usual 2.5 to 3.0. There is no need for "close together" quilting lines as the fleece will not bunch like batting. I make many charity quilts this way. I do not use batting, there is really no need as the fleece does it all.
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