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Old 01-14-2011, 12:38 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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I watched a documentary about women embroiderers adn sewers in Afghanistan the other night. One of the Americans over there was showing one of the workshops. It was full of industrial Juki machines - a whole row......and there was no electricity. SO the women sat on the floor and sewed on their hand-cranks, doing just fine.

From my perspective, I think it is wonderful to have and use a modern machine but I also need to be able to use a needle and thread. The trick is in balancing the appeal of the hobby with the sense of accomplishment. Cranking out projects for the sake of finishing without appreciating the craft is not my goal.

.....and every time I sit with my trusty ripper, I feel very humbled - despite my fabulous modern gadgets.
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