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Old 01-14-2011, 04:17 PM
grann of 6
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Originally Posted by Happy Treadler
OK, my SIL gave me a complex last night. I'm working on a more brightly-colored table topper than I usually do (always make browns, tans, golds, etc.), and when I showed it to her she said "Oh, it's nice but it doesn't match anything in your house". I said I could put it in my sewing room, and she looked at me like I was nuts.

I'm wondering, is it 'proper' to add quilts to your home that don't necessarily 'go' with your color scheme? I'm not talkin' total chaos, but a table runner or coasters and such. Is there some sort of rule that I should be following that I should maybe add at least a color that matches?

I'm curious (and a bit paranoid),
My question is....who made your SIL the quilt police? You can do whatever you want in YOUR house. I have all sorts of colors and designs for my table toppers in the kitchen. Even though my kitchen is painted like a garden, not all my table toppers are garden theme. I love variety. You should make some ugly color combo and tell her it is for her.
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