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Old 01-14-2011, 04:59 PM
Happy Treadler
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Originally Posted by gramma8
Originally Posted by Happy Treadler
OK, my SIL gave me a complex last night. I'm working on a more brightly-colored table topper than I usually do (always make browns, tans, golds, etc.), and when I showed it to her she said "Oh, it's nice but it doesn't match anything in your house". I said I could put it in my sewing room, and she looked at me like I was nuts.

I'm wondering, is it 'proper' to add quilts to your home that don't necessarily 'go' with your color scheme? I'm not talkin' total chaos, but a table runner or coasters and such. Is there some sort of rule that I should be following that I should maybe add at least a color that matches?

I'm curious (and a bit paranoid),
I've always been taught to do the 'proper' thing whatever it may be. Even my high school Home Economics teacher pounded in to our brain to match colors, schemes, etc. So, I find it hard to think outside the box. I have a round dining room table that I'd like to make a topper for, but I'm stymied by the fact that I don't know what color or theme I should use, simply because I think I need to. Are the 'quilting police' around? I hope they didn't hear me talking. :|
LOL! Ya know, as I read through this thread, I have learn a lot. ONE thing I have learned is that I need to stop asking approval from family members and those around me and just do what makes me happy. I think HGTV (and family members!) pound it into our brains that there is a right and a wrong way to decorate our homes. Personally, I think it should be an expression of what we feel and who we are.

I vow in this new year to stop asking for people's approvals and start enjoying the process of making a quilt that appeals to me. It will be a hard thing, but I do not want to let others take the joy out of what the hobby brings to my life. If I get excited about a quilt, I'll share it here with those who actually 'get it'.

Happy Friday all. I'm going back to try to adjust my eyes to lay out my daughter's Lover's Knot quilt that is lime green, teal blue, white, and tie dye. Whatever makes her happy, right? :)
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