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Old 01-15-2011, 04:50 AM
grann of 6
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Originally Posted by davidwent
I'm just beginning this topic to see what you all think.
As a child I remember watching my grandmother make me a quilt, that I still have some 50 years later. She had a treadle sew matching a pair of scissors and a fabric tape measure. Her quilts were/are amazing.
Are we now depending on gidgets and gadgets and modern machines too much?
I know we can whip out amazing quilts in days instead of weeks/months, I am just wondering if new is always better?
I don't know if it is better or not. We are certainly improved. I remember having a party line telephone, and even a time when we were out in the country without a telephone. The State Police had to come to get my mother and me when my grandfather had a heart attack. Having a telephone and all the other things we now enjoy to improve our lines of communication have made our lives better. We have become spoiled with having everything "instant" or immediate. So quilting would just follow that line. We have done it to ourselves. It certainly is easier to be able to run to the store and get a template for a particular quilt block, or print it out off the internet. Many older (old) people resist change, I for one try to embrace it as much as I can. But I still hang onto those old fashioned memories I have and cherish them.
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