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Old 01-15-2011, 08:19 AM
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google it and when it comes up go to the sites that are real med sites (I think the Mayo Clinic has a site), then go to a site that has homeopathic info. Stay calm, they say eat this and not that then do it! They say you need to remain calm cut the drama out of your life - even if it mean avoiding relatives! Need to loose weight, well its a choice of what feels good in your mouth or dropping dead, you get to choose. There is a lot of very good info out there on how to be proactive in your own health situations.
When I turned 40 I had this spell of passing out a work. Broke down, went to a Dr, he made me wear a heart monitor over a w/e. Hubs was working out of state and I didnt tell him so as not to scare him. The next week I got a call from his office (his office, not him!) to meet him at this local hospital I needed immediate heart surgery! well, no one would tell me exactly what the issue was and I was in the middle of a catalog photo shoot at work and said nope couldnt come (Imean, really, meet me at a hospital? and wont tell me why?? crap to that) In 3 days I got a registered letter saying he took no responsibility for my heart and was no longer my dr if I would not listen to him! My husband died 6 mos later of a massive heart attack and Im now over 60 and still here! Oh, and Ive never been back to a dr since that phone call. No paps, no mammograms, nothing.
I know I have things wrong and maybe some really big issues, but no one lives forever and if you are proactive, understand how the body works, and get info you are way ahead, but you have to start young, and if not, then you have to decide you will start and just do it.
Diabetes is on my dads side and pancreatic cancer on my moms. Here is what I know: all sugars feed all cancers, (maybe corn sugar worst of all.- that is iffy) Sugars are bad for diabetics, too, so Ive cut as much out of my life as I can. I cook and bake alot of my own w/ very good ingredients. I grow much of my own veggies, I do not ever eat fast foods, Ive cut way back on meats (there are issues w/ this, too, and I know my body and I get very bad somach aches when I start eating beef, so I stick to fish a little of all the other stuff.) We will start having a few chickens this yr, mainly for fresh eggs, not poultry. There is a ton of good eating info online.
I need to eat about 6 SMALL meals thru the day to maintain a proper blood sugar level, I need to eat lots of veggies and grains so its steal cut oats once a day, and I throw Quinoa, flax, barley and such in meals thru the week. No matter what the cost in the winter I eat 1 salad a day, I drink at least 2 glasses of V8 or veggie juice a a day. I dont smoke (never even once), drink a 4 oz glass of wine every few days, take a vitamin and supplement (D and Bs etc). I rarely get sick, had that stupid bird flu last winter (was home alone ad was sick for a week the 5 weeks after, but lived w/ no meds)and now notice I was sickly last week for 2 days and it just went away - I think I'm immune now lol!
I do yard work, gardening (pulling weeds! digging w/ shovels! etc), haul wood for the fireplace, cut brush, and if there is no work like this I ride a bike and walk. You MUST keep active as you age or sure as the sun sets you will end up w/ weak bones/ broken hips. EVERY bit of physical work you do builds your bones, it never stops. You can only gain from doing things physical, no matter what your age is.
I dont have high: BP, cholesterol(sp), or blood sugars (we go to those clinic fairs once a yr and people test all that for free)-
the point is: be proactive, do not panic when a dr tells you something and then leaves you hanging, panic is bad bad bad, it puts bad chemicals in you bloodstream. Even if a dr gives you a "death sentence", there are more drs and opinions out there and alternative treatments. Learn about your body and how it works and why. You are the first line of defense in your own health, and teach your family to live this way - its easier to start when you have babies, you control everything that goes into their bodies.
On that job I mentioned I worked w/ a young girl (just in her 20s) whose parents raised her on healthfoods (and no sugars). She wouldnt even chew a stick of gum, not because her parents said not to but because the taste was so alien to her it tasted bad in her mouth. We did get her to taste a glazed donut on break one sat AM - she scraped off the glaze, bit it, chewed it, then had to spit it out cus she said it tasted "greasy in my mouth"! I ask you who can spit out a fresh baked glazed donut, lol! share t
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