Thread: fibromyalgia
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Old 01-15-2011, 01:39 PM
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There are so many on here I'd like to quote but this more or less goes to all here. ONE MAJOR Thing!! ALL of this is from experience on my part, IF You are having chest pains that you cannot understand or all means GO TO THE ER! The Dr or call someone! Even the EMTs can put you on an EKG monitor. I wasn't having a heart attack but I went to the clinic for broncitis (however ya spell it). They checked me out and before you know it I was on my way in an ambulance! I went to the heart stroke unit at our main hospital in CHattanooga. They found I had a 30% blockage in one artery. Well they said it wasn't large enough to do a stint so, I was put on nerve meds and a special diet and BP meds! OK, saying all that to say you never know whats lurking around inside so...if you really think something is wrong, go by your own instincts!
OK on another note...these chest pains I have now are from stress and Fibro and Acid Reflux. Sometimes I can tell one from another but others...well I pray! Now, depression also causes pain, my aunt went thru a massive amount of chest pain from the muscles. She was all messed up and heavy on Valum. Everytime she had these chest pains she would call an ambulance thinking it was a heart attack! And each time they would come out and check her out, saying the same thing each's stress! All of this was before depression and anxiety were discovered as a wide spread illness. Well, in short the illness got the best of her and she took her life. It's sorry shame because it could have all been prevented but from the lack of knowledge we lost her. Now, her daughter is suffering from Fibro and arthritis. She goes thru everything her mother went thru but now is all recognized as the dreaded disease and nothing more.
IF you know you are doing ALL you know to do with your health and you have these symptoms of pains and have fibro, arthritis, depression...take deep breaths!! Relax, meditate and or pray! I KNOW I'm healthy, a bit over weight but healthy nonetheless so these don't bother me as much as they use to! I set and do a double take on the days events, have they been stressful? Anything bothering you eating at you and you need to talk? Believe me this can and will effect you. Find someone to talk to even if you have to come here and let it out!! Drink some Chamomile tea with a touch of honey..that works great!
OK, I've rambled on far to long but if this has helped just one person, then I've done my job. I use to write and write even writing prayers, talking to my no one but someone if you know what I mean. But God knew in my heart what was going on, so that was my someone. But writing things down can help as a release for the soul. The more rest, relaxation, prayer, laughter, calming music you can be around..the better!! Oh to add one more thing, I do want to do a total body cleanse recomended by one of our members here. I'm really looking forward to that!
Love and good health to all.
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