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Old 01-15-2011, 07:48 PM
grandma Janice
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There are reasons why I keep with the old ways. First, I make scrappy quilts so I still use scissors and templates. I use to hand piece but since the old hands are getting stiff, I use my machine. I think my hand piecing is more accurate. I hand quilt because it's relaxing and it's not expensive. LAs are two expensive and too complicated for me. I would be a basket case trying to use the new technology. I can't afford to send my quilts out to be quilted so I just stay with what I know best, and can afford. It's just a hobby for me. Now having said that, I'm sure our grandmothers would be having the same discussion about using the new inventions like electric sewing machines etc. Some would love it and some would not. Every age has it's own new technology. My grandkids laugh at my inability to master computers and all these new gadgets that are second nature to them. I agree with the one who said it's as modernized as you want to make it.
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