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Old 01-16-2011, 05:49 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Lake Villa, Illinois
Posts: 278

As we move around the room, you will see other areas which I have yet to tame.

This is my daughter's scrapbooking space. We try to carve out a little time every week when we create together. She is an amazing artist and a perfectionist, so every page she does looks wonderful. She is getting married in June and moving to Baltimore. I will miss her dearly.

Three bins of the the "long" yardage. Anything more than 3 yards goes in these bins. This is all inherited stash. I was given at least 65 bolts of fabric. It took me 2 months to get this stash into some kind of order.

The center shelf hold most of the books and patterns that my co-worker gave me. I probably gave away 3-400 books and patterns when I inherited this stash.

More yardage and other fabrics sorted by type or color. There is white with black, gray, wax resist batiks, batiks with hand dyes, greens black with white and neutrals.

More of the extensive stash. As you can see, I had to purchase about 20 of these flat bins for sorting and storage. Here we have brights and baby, 30's, browns and rust, Asian, marbles, oranges, purples, name it. The only thing she really didn't collect are florals. Which is good, because I'm not much for florals anyway. The design wall was also given to me and the piece hanging there is a challenge from my guild. A trip around the block. I just have to finish the last border and sandwich it and start hand quilting and it will go into our show in October.

More fabric. Here is reds and pinks, Thimbleberries, which I have decreased dramatically in the past year and Christmas,

This is the closet where my stash was kept until I inherited the huge amount in February, oh and by the way, I have given a ton of that fabric away. The quilts you see hanging need to be quilted the plastic bag is full of African and Autstralian fabrics which I can't wait to dig into. Above are homespuns, novelty, civil war, whites, yellows, and other such fabric.

The large bin of batting scraps, muslin and fabric I don't care for that make good practice sandwiches for FMQ

This is where our tour ends. My ironing board. I am pretty obsessive and when I finish for the day, it gets put away and the door shut. The fabric covered board my DH made for me and two of my friends. It is awesome for little piecing and pressing to sit on a TV tray next to me while I am at the machine. He is the best and totally supports my addiction.
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