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Old 01-16-2011, 09:37 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Minnesota
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My dream of a quilt shop if I were opening one - is a corner where there is seating, books to be read, magazines for men(and women), coffee pot - with donation can beside it - and oodles of all the mentionables the rest of the ladies before me brought up - but make a place where people can discuss, visit, and just plain wait for wifey to get done shopping, and also so they are near enough if she needs hubby's input - yes, the soft music, and the bargains are great also - I know you can not run a shop with all bargains, but a good selection in every category is great if you can do it.

At my age there is a place that was an eating place and it has been up for sale twice - and I'm so tempted, but know it is silly of me to think about it - but there are no fabric shops short of driving 50 miles, and then if you are lucky the Walmart might have in some new worthwhile fabric.. a local fabric shop with all I mentioned, might be a come-on to some of the many quilting ladies around this area... what a lovely thought - but I think it might remain just a thought. I think I really want to retire at my age (67, coming up) and just enjoy quilting and making pretty things... make up hope chests for grands and keep up with the new babies coming up in our family - greats galore! So, my dream, but maybe someone else could benefit - best wishes on your endeavor!
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