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Old 01-16-2011, 09:27 PM
Jan in VA
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Originally Posted by shequilts
As one who once taught LazMaze classes, I can tell you this is the way to go. Why suffer? It does not harm the baby and can allow the Mom to cooperate better.
As one who until recently taught HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education classes, I am so surprised you feel this way! Labor does NOT have to be suffering. There are literally thousands of women who give birth pain free, including me and both my business partners. We are not freaks of nature, I assure you. Training and education can make a HUGE difference in ones perception and expectation.

Besides which, the drug used in an epidural is fentanyl, a narcotic that is also used as one of the "street drugs" our country is fighting the drug war against. As a narcotic it DOES cross the placenta and affect the baby, even if he appears to be okay in a few hours.

Most reputable hospitals and doctors do not recommend starting an epidural extremely early in labor because it can slow down the process, lower blood pressure, affect the baby's heart rate, and require the use of other drugs to correct the problems the narcotic caused. We call it the domino effect that leads to a c-section in labor.

Guess I'm still passionate about giving every baby the best chance at his start in life; it should no longer be about the mother at that point. Off my soap box now. Sorry.

Jan in VA
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