Old 01-17-2011, 12:46 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 15,639

Sounds to me like your stitches are too tiny. I change mine from 2.5 to at least 3 or 3.5. Try some sample scraps to see if it travels easier.

When I first started SID, I jokingly referred to it as "meandering around the ditch" (MID) lol It takes practice. For now, until you get good, try using thread that blends into your fabric. Remeber, you are so close to your stitches that right now you see only mistakes. Trust us old shoes when we tell you that a FINISHED and WASHED quilt will look MUCH different. Many if not most of the "bad" SID will be pulled into the seams and evened out in the wash. Don't give up.

IF your seams pucker, then you did not have the sandwich taut enough. The backing must be very taut (but not overstretched) and both batting and top must be as flat on the backing as possible. I pin baste about palm-width apart. No more puckers!
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