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Old 01-17-2011, 12:49 PM
Moon Holiday
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Originally Posted by hazeljane
Originally Posted by arimuse
Ah! I love the smell of books in the morning! I love books, paper, pens and pencils - I have so many books they are stacked in most rms of the house! (horders?!?) Most are reference type books, you name a catagory I have something. Im in the process of (wand ) scanning to get rid of a lot.
I want an ereader so bad, but cant figure out what to buy. I saw on a home shopping show this AM something called nextbook - very good price:@ 180$ and does what I want (I think) - The electronics show just happened in Las Vegas so Im waiting to see what the next gen in readers will be. (way back in the Dark Ages I worked for a co that did repair/maintenence on computers etc - in the 90s - and they sent reps to this trade show every yr. They came back w/ Dragon software the yr it came out - voice recognition to operate your word doc etc, very zoomy at the time and very expensive. Dragon is still around! but much cheaper now)
I also love audio books, theyre great on long trips, pop in a book and have it read to you makes the miles fly by. My SO has to travel @ 7 hrs each way when he comes and goes from work, once a month. His car only had a cd player and my books were cassettes, so I went to (I think thats the site) and you can plug in a voice headphone set and record what you read and download it on cds, so I made him a cd of poems and started reading a book for him about a person who sailed solo around the world in the 1800s. He really likes this idea. share t
I also love the smell and feel of books, and have forever. It's taken me some time to come to terms with an e-reader, but I read every day. I have plenty of books that I would never ever give up, but I also want to have books I can't afford to buy. When an out of print book I have been mooning over (PBs going for $45.!) came out in Kindle for 4.99. Something in me just said- ENOUGH! We resisted the iPod, because we're old, and it is the most amazing thing. So now, I want an eReader.
I worked for 20 years in a second-hand bookstore (pt) because I wanted to feed my addiction for books.... it worked and I was never happier than being in the store talking books and authors with customers. I agree, there definitely is something about holding the real book in my hands, along with the smell and feel... I always have at least 2 books going and there's always a pb or 2 in my pocketbook... just in case! Been thinking my next pt job will be in a quilt shop and that will feed one of my other addictions.
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