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Old 01-18-2011, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by danece
I go along with kwendt, she has said it all, we like to have a group a friendly ladies who not only know how to cut fabric, smile and talk at the same time, but we really enjoy a group of ladies who understand when you go in in a panic and tell them you need to finish a quilt by Saturday and steer you to the area that has just the right fabric to go with almost finished top you brought with you because you didn' purchase enough fabric for in the first place, by the way I am discribing the shop I go in Clovis, CA :-D
So funny-cute! I have done this! On vacation! And the nice shop owner, spent 40 minutes with me finding just the right tonal and scale match needed. Her shop was amazing in that she had every blender, tonal, colorway family known to mankind. And was able to ask questions, narrow down some choices and then pulled bolts. All of her choices were workable... and I bought yardage of the two that most 'popped' to me, plus one totally different and unexpected color choice that she simply asked me to 'consider something a little different'. I bought that too. (Need I mention which fabric actually made it into the quilt? Her unusual color choice-of course, it was STELLER.)

Um... She also had the most lovely selection of unusual Asians... and I'm not into Asians. But I just HAD to buy some of those too! lol..... The LQS was "Nancy's" on Belmont? Belmount? Street in Belfast, Maine. Roadside Quilt shoppe... extroidinary fabrics.
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