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Old 01-18-2011, 09:56 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: GA
Posts: 111

I have a Kindle and like all the others before me...LOVE IT! Next to's my favorite thing to do to relax. I like that I can be anywhere, and I mean anywhere, and download a book instantly without any hassle. I have the "Mighty Bright" light that clips on ($19.99) and read without bothering my husband. My eyes are pretty tired by the end of the day and changing the font to a bit larger is wonderful. And previewing a book by reading it's first chapter before it!

I research things to death before buying and bottom line is I really just wanted something to read from. So touchscreen, color, and other things weren't a high priority. My Kindle saves space, everything is in one place, I can take lots of "books" with me under one cover and I read more now than I ever did so that's a plus. But more than can't beat their customer service. I owned mine about a year and while traveling the screen froze. I thought maybe it was because I was on a plane and the guy next to me was working on his computer and though maybe signals were crossing causing it to freeze. I called them the next morning and without question they said I would have a replacement in my hands the next morning. They were right!!!!! Just had to send the old one back within 30 days. So, yes, all this said.....I'm hooked on my Kindle!!!
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