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Old 01-19-2011, 07:35 AM
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I am so very sorry you have to deal with this attitude. I won't tolerate that from my husband, sounds like a lack of respect to me. I know people are different, but personally I won't live with that, if it was my husband, I would have a good talk with him about it, what is it that he doesn't like about your sewing? He wants to spend more time together, then maybe you too can find a common hobby to do together so that it'd be together quality time. Other than that, he really has no right complaining about something you like to do, unless you are going way overboard to where is is unhealthy.

I am fortunate to have a husband who has great respect for me and everything I choose to do, I do the same for him and I won't have it Any other way. We have the common hobbies to do together, then we have hobbies we do alone, it creates a good balance and we both are very happy and satisfied. As an example, just the other day, my hubby was doing sone woodwork for our house, and I walked just as he was finishing setting it up, I commented on how much his workmanship has improved and how much I like the piece he built. When he was done, we were sipping tea together and he stArted going upstairs saying "let me go admire your work as you just admired mine". LOL, he is wonderful, I love him. He may not have any interest in quilting per se, but he respects the fact that I do, and he actually listens to what I say about it, admires my work and would even go into the fabric store if I needed to stop there during one of our outings. He'll also give me an opinion about color, placement or whatever if I ask.

I really think you need to talk to your husband and get this resolved.

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