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Old 01-19-2011, 09:11 AM
Rebecca VLQ
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: North Carolina
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Originally Posted by tealfalcon
Beautiful......I was planning on doing one for my dh when he deploys in June were the uniforms hard to sew through ?
^^^NO, not really! It's harder to find sections of material that don't have seams, kwim? Some things I found out while I was disassembling:

Some seams are doubled over material, so if you pick apart the threads, there's actually no raw edge there, or you've got an extra half inch of fabric that you wouldn't think you had.

The "rear" of the pants is two thicknesses of fabric.

It's easiest to use scissors to slice up a seam (like the underarm) and work on smaller sections at a time, instead of trying to cut accurately while the rest of the garment is sliding about.

The back of the BDU top is the largest area of unsewn fabric, so use that WISELY!

Forget the "press to the dark" rule. I used the "press to the not BDU side" rule because even my best fabrics are not as thick as BDU.
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