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Old 01-19-2011, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by bob1414
I would have stopped - I'll help anyone and if it puts me at risk, well, then it does. I had my car break down on the way home from work and the weather developed very quickly into a blizzard on my drive (in the evening). I was wearing a dress and nylons. I walked on a highway for miles toward a light(farmhouse). When I got there, I couldn't even speak - thankfully they knew me and were able to phone someone to come get me. Several cars drove by me - saw my car with the emergency lights flashing, saw me (female) walking along the highway - yet NOBODY stopped.

I recently gave an intoxicated man a ride - it was hovering around zero degrees. He could have had a weapon, I guess. I will always help people and refuse to live my life being afraid and I will always try to help.

Everyone has a right to make their own decisions - probably no right or wrong decision - but this is what I do.

Hope I don't sound like I'm preaching - I'm just passionate about helping.
I'm glad you are this type of person, but please be careful. My BIL has your exact same attitude....until he stopped to pick up a lady who was having trouble and was by herself. My BIL is a large guy, but...this woman pulled a gun, pistol whipped him and robbed him at gun point. Its sad, but you just never know.
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