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Old 01-19-2011, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Renee110
Originally Posted by jaciqltznok
For myself I would rather spend my time/money/life making 10 GOOD quality quilts vs. spending my time/money/life making a thousand cheap quilts. So I save up for those special things!

for all else (charity work) I do scrappy stuff using up shirts I buy at my thrift store for $.23!

I also buy denim, flannel and wool and re-purpose those items as well!

YOu can save by not buying more magazines and books..take the time to revisit the ones you already have on the shelves!

DO NOT print off every pattern somebody sends a link to..instead, save the file or bookmark the site and then revisit in a year and see if you still like it.

DO NOT buy every template, ruler or notion mentioned at guild, or on this group...instead see if you make what you already work for you..99% of the time you can!

Each time you avoid a "spur of the moment" purchase, log what it was, and how much it was. Then once a month add that up and see what you saved for next GOOD project!

Take a weekend (a long one is best) and make KITS up using magazines, printed off patterns, etc...using only your stash...then when the impulse to shop hits, shop in your kit box! These can be little gifts, home decor, holiday items...just remember, even something small is good!

Make an inventory of what you already have, include the original cost, todays value, and the amount you have on hand. THat alone might keep you from spending any more!

If you do not belong to a guild join will gain more education, more resources by doing so!

Join your local Freecycle and watch for give aways...or ask for them!
These are great tips!!!
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