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Old 01-20-2011, 07:03 AM
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lol, my hubs couldnt stand to be in the room w/ me if I were crocheting, said it made him nervous watching the hook move so fast. now, my SO doesnt say too much, he has his hobbies (usu out in the garage making some mess, lol) but he doesnt say much on anything I like to do cus after my husband died and I met him we've lived together over 16 yrs now but arent married(no kids!). When we moved south I bought property here even though I live w/ him and if he doesnt like what I do he knows I can move out in a w/e, lol.
I know he doesnt care for things that take "attention" away from him, and he doesnt like a mess left all over, but hes happy if I'd sit w/ him and handquilt, and we're converting a bedrm into a sewing rm so I can have all my stuff all over and can just close the door and he doesent habe to look at it. He really doesnt care how much money it costs, he likes what I make. I paint, too and hes always wanting to hang things I paint even when I dont like how they came out, lol. st
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