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Old 01-20-2011, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by BettyGee
My husband watches TV. He plays golf when he can, even in the winter. The rule being if you can hold the club without freezing your hand then you can play, and if the snow is off the greens. He does not understand my crafting, but has always been supportive. He does not like the money I spend on fabric, but after he sees it become something he stops grumbling. I would very much like to see him get a hobby, but I'm not having much luck with that. I really think the big obstacle is that my sewing takes me away from time with him, but no matter how much you love someone you cannot spend every waking moment with them. It isn't good for either of us. Now that we are retired we are together almost 24 7. I don't know what to do, but I'm not giving up quilting.
I truly know that I am blessed with my good marriage. We have been married almost 27 yrs. and 26 of those years we've been together 24/7/365. Not everyone can do that without "killing" one another :lol: We are both quiet people and never feel we are competing with each other. I feel he has helped me grow as a person and I've done the same for him. You can believe this or not, but we have never had a "fight" in all the years we've been's not to say that I never get angry at him or vice versa which quickly passes. My DH can never do enough for me and I equally take care of him. You know, sometimes it's the small things that can matter most...a smile to one another. Sorry, I've been a real Chatty Cathy on this subject as this is dear to my heart. I've not been blessed with children :( but I was blessed with my DH :D
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