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Old 01-20-2011, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by hheelleenn
This is the first time PP for me. It was difficult for me because I have 1 usable hand (my left). With lots of tape and pins I managed to do it. I had to resolve to do it. I never felt so disabled. But I was determind to complete it. After each try went into the garbage I swore I would not do this. But I did. I've posted it before but I did not get a lot of feedback. Yeah, there are some problems. My disability is out of my control, but within my control is my imagination.
You have a disability? Wow! You did great. I am so proud of you and your determination. You ought to have seen how mine looked as I was fiddling with it and I have no disability (except in my head maybe). LOL

My mother had the same disability. No use of her right hand and arm and she was able to learn to write with her left hand. Quite amazing.

Thanks for joining in and sharing.
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