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Old 01-21-2011, 07:52 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Arkansas by way of Mississippi
Posts: 381

I know everyone has a life and quilting is not the main thing in that life. I have always been blessed by not being a "sickly" person. My doctor always laughs because I go to see him once a year but only because my husband insists. I get an occassional cold, but that is about daily meds for me and I am 64 years old. My husband on the other hand, bless his heart, has COPD, both hips replaced (looking to have to re-do one of them this year) knee surgeries on both knees, a plate in his thigh bone, numerous back, neck, wrist and shoulder surgeries. But we are both blessed compared to most our age and I thank God every day.

I too have tried to get our group to talk to no avail...I guess we just don't chat as much as some of the other groups, but that is OK too. We are a great group!!! Kay
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