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Old 01-21-2011, 11:01 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by tlrnhi
He's getting married? No way!! When did he have time to do that? I've ALWAYS seen him on here at the wee hours of the night/morning. Hmmm....I sure hope he takes care of Future Mrs. Gorilla!!

Now TaliaRose....Be careful and watch out what others say/do. I'm the ONLY sane one here on this message board. It's true, I used to live on an big island and then moved to a much smaller one, but hey...not my fault. Something or other about a wife is supposed to follow her husband or something dumb like that. I listened and followed the man. He FINALLY brought me back to civilization where I have met some of the nice ladies of this board. Don't believe them if they try to tell you that I am crazy. I'm really not. I'm as sane as you are, but then again, you can't be all that sane if you are taking over this message board. hehe

Anyway...A HUGE welcome to you and if you need anything, just ask and one more thing....I've got your back, as will some of the others.
Oh, more thing...Patrice is as crazy as I am! muhahahahaha!!!!
To Talia:
dang if that girl, (terri), don't speak the truth! HERS, lol!!!!
She can't help herself...see she was stalked on a tiny island...the island itself nearly drove her nuts...
why once she used a huge fan...
and she had all these huge lizards eyeing her stash through her windows...
and her house flooded...
and them lizards and totomonas wanted to make her their queen...
One of the effects of all these things: It made her drive in circles!!!
But, she has some of the cutest grandbabies ever, so hang in there...some on this board are as weird as our Terri.
Not speaking of meece-self of course ;-)
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