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Old 12-03-2008, 03:53 PM
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pawquilts's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 142

1. What is your name and where are you from?
Pat from NYS

2. How, when, and where did you learn to quilt?
A group of quilters used to meet in my local library. They inspired me over 20yrs. ago.

3. Why do you quilt? (tradition, expression, for family, etc)
I love the creativity of the art form. It allows me to express myself.

4. Have you taught anyone else to quilt? Yes.

5. Are there differences in quilting from when you first learned and now? If so, how do you feel about this transition?
Yes. Years ago piecing and quilting was done by hand. Today, machines and cutting tools (other than scissors) make it a fast-paced art form. Projects get completed quicker, but I feel the real art and creativity of the hand stitching is lost.

6. Are you part of any quilting groups/communities?
Before my current job, I used to be a membe of a local guild. Presently I am affiliate with on-line groups.
7. Do you feel that quilting is a part of your heritage? If so why?
No. None of my ancestors were quilters, although there were a few seamstresses.
8. What type of feeling do you get out of quilting? Why do you enjoy it?
I am very relaxed and removed from troubles that may surround me whenever I am working on a quilt project. Just the feel of the fabric puts me at ease, especially in a fabric store.
9. What different type of quilts have you made? Bed quilts, table toppers and runners, place mats, hot pads. What was the most difficult, easiest? The most difficult is working with curves; the easiest is using squares in blocks for a pattern. Do you have a favourite style? I would say I am a traditional quilter.

10. Who do you make quilts for? gifts for others

11. When quilting, what happens if you make a mistake? I rip the seams apart or remove stitching and start again.

12. What is your favourite feature about a quilt? The final project.

13. What makes a quilt different from other blankets to you? The love and time that went into making it.

14. Do you feel that contemporary quilting has lost some value? No. It's just a different art form. If so, why? Or do you feel it has gained value, and again, why? No.

15. Does the history of quilting mean anything to you? Yes, it reminds me of the underground railroad. If so, what do you know about its history? Early American history.

16. Do you have anything you would like others to know about quilting? It is a lovely art form that can tell a story about your life.

17. Do you quilt alone, or together in a group? Is quilting a social event or a chance for some alone time for you? Or both? I quilt alone.

18. If quilting is in your family, do you feel you are carrying on a tradition? If so, why is this important to you? Quilting is not in my family. I am the "first".

19. Do you have any memories of others quilting? Do you have memories of specific quilts in your past? If so, please feel free to share. I can recall 2 very special quilts I made for my two sons upon their highschool graduation. One was the Irish Chain pattern using the school colors of the college son #1 was going to attend. The other was called "Chocolate Chip Cookie Quilt" using the colors of a chocolate chip cookie, my other son's favorite cookie.

20. Last but not least, do you have any stories or memories about quilting you would like to share? I was recently inspired by a display of quilts made during World War II. All made by hand in the bold colors of red/white/blue. I'm sure they have been washed many times over the years yet none of the colors ran! I am currently making a new bed quilt using those same colors.
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