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Old 12-04-2008, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by pompeii
If anyone would like to provide me with some information, feel free to email your responses or private message me or answer me in this board.

1. What is your name and where are you from?
Deb, Born in Michigan, moved to Ohio as a child, raised in a small town.

2. How, when, and where did you learn to quilt?
I grew up sewing, watching mom, mom passing on tips, she made our clothes, I sewed the scraps together to make things.
3. Why do you quilt? (tradition, expression, for family, etc)
I started to make my kids blankets, being thrifty due to economic needs, used what I had to make keepsakes.

4. Have you taught anyone else to quilt?
daughter and daughter in law

5. Are there differences in quilting from when you first learned and now? If so, how do you feel about this transition?

6. Are you part of any quilting groups/communities?
just this great group.

7. Do you feel that quilting is a part of your heritage? If so why?
yes,, sewing is more so tho, both mom and grandma made clothes

8. What type of feeling do you get out of quilting? Why do you enjoy it?
yes, very much pleasure. I enjoy puzzles, and feel quilting is a hands on puzzles.

9. What different type of quilts have you made? denim, baby blankets, irish chain, photo memory quilts. What was the most difficult, easiest? Do you have a favorite style? 9 patch

10. Who do you make quilts for? family first, friends, now for sale.

11. When quilting, what happens if you make a mistake? depending on the mistake. Severe, I use my seam ripper. mild, I may incorporate it in to the quilt. If already sewn together, and handquilting, and not to bad, I may ignore it.

12. What is your favourite feature about a quilt? handquilting

13. What makes a quilt different from other blankets to you? the tender care I know went into making it makes it special.

14. Do you feel that contemporary quilting has lost some value? If so, why? Or do you feel it has gained value, and again, why?

15. Does the history of quilting mean anything to you? If so, what do you know about its history? I enjoy reading about it, learning the reasons, or the whys things were done.

16. Do you have anything you would like others to know about quilting? just the time involved, so they would take care of them

17. Do you quilt alone, or together in a group? Is quilting a social event or a chance for some alone time for you? Or both? alone.

18. If quilting is in your family, do you feel you are carrying on a tradition? If so, why is this important to you? I do it for my enjoyment. I do not think my kids will.

19. Do you have any memories of others quilting? Do you have memories of specific quilts in your past? If so, please feel free to share.

20. Last but not least, do you have any stories or memories about quilting you would like to share?

A question regarding your consent: Is it alright if I use your responses in a informal class project? yes, hope it helps

That's all. Thank you all so much!

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