Old 01-22-2011, 03:58 PM
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I'm not sure about this being a trait but we didn't pick ours up as kittens and all but one doesn't want to be carried. One will let you pick her up and turn her over like a baby. The vet told me it was a sign how comfortable they are with you to let you turn them over. I was also told you could tell how much of a people lover they are by picking them up. All I know for sure is my cats are all over us and our stuff but it has to be on their terms :)
Originally Posted by ragqueen03
how cute! i was never a cat lover till we got our "allie" but she is my baby! one question for all you with cats - our allie does not like to be held at all!!! but she wants to be near us. she will walk up and let us pet her but forget picking her up! a friend told me she had a tabby that was the same way - just wondering is this a common personality trait with tabbies?
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