Thread: Great NewS
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Old 01-23-2011, 05:27 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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That is so true. I know of at least 6 different people collecting social security disability who are far more capable of working than I am. I even knew of a man who had his own cabinet business (which he worked in 5 days a week) and still collected disability. I have a former neighbor who has been on disability for 4 years. The doctors have just changed their medicine about 6 months ago. This person told me that the new medicine made them feel so good they could run around the block all day long. I said, "Great. Now you could go back to work". They said, "I could, but I am not going to. Things are good like they are." That is why it is so difficult for those who really need it to get it.

Originally Posted by Mary M
It is sad that those who truly injured and can't work have to wait so long. It is because so many people have abused the system of S.S. that it now hurts the good and honest person. Sure makes a person stop and think to always put something into savings for the rough times.
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