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Old 01-23-2011, 10:10 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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I think that sashing would be neat perhaps using either a solid silver lame' would be beautiful for sashing maybe a bit pricy, but after all it is for the 50th and you said silver and purple are their colors or use small strips of both purple and silver. It would be neat if you blocks are small enough to make 50 blocks one block for each year of marriage. It would be nice if you had some neat saying or know of a special happening for each year and make a small label for each square. Just a thought. I know that gold is usually the 50th but after all if their colors are silver and purple, it will be theirs and who cares about special colors, after all it is for a special couple. Looking Good. show pics when finished. Congrats to them both. They have spent 100 yrs together, fifty for her and fifty for him. lol Imagine my saying silver when purple is my favorite color, but I think silver with purple together would really make it pop. Maybe narrow strips of deep purple with a silver strip between two purples. I can visualize it now.
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