Thread: Great NewS
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Old 01-23-2011, 05:58 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
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I can only suggest to everyone that you write your Senators and Congressional representatives and tell them to keep their hands off of Social Security. So many of them view SS as a drag on the federal budget instead of what it really is - a program that WE pay for (FICA) out of our salaries, a program that keeps us fed, clothed and housed when we get old or become disabled.

The reason SS is on the chopping block is that the federal government has used the SS trust fund to 'balance' the federal budget while keeping taxes artificially low. (Yes, I know that taxes are always too high, no matter how low they are!) This is not a GOP or a DEM thing, both major parties were happy to balance the budget this way. They're not so happy to pay it back...
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