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Old 01-23-2011, 06:47 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 697

Olga, OT, but I LOVE YOUR BOOTS! in your avitar pic. I've come to realize a cowboy boot heel and cut is the only thing I can wear and walk w/o back problems. A long time ago a guy with whom I worked told me (we were talking about his bad back) he could only wear cowboy boots and to try them. Well, I wore 4 inch heels to work at the time and thought it would be a cold day! b4 I was ever caught wearing boots! Later in life I had a chiropracter (sp) tell me my spine was too straight and that was why my back hurt so much and why some high heels didnt bother my back (only my feet! lol), and that a cowboy boot would put a more natural curve in my back. Boy, was he right. I bought a pair on sale and as soon as I took a step my back simply stopped hurting. Somehow its the slant on a true cowboy boot that seems to be what does the magic for me, cus I tried on all kinds of boots but only a slant heel cowboy works for my back. So, here I am getting older and older and greyer and greyer wandering the streets in cowboy boots. I talk to myself too, Im really a site, but Im an upright site, lol! sharet
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