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Old 01-24-2011, 06:09 AM
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Originally Posted by grann of 6
Originally Posted by leatheflea
I'm up and moving! Vacuuming done! Did some stretching, one and two touch those toes! Yesterdays sew-a-thon has left me a little stiff this morning, been up since 3 because of it. So a little of the snake that bit me. Will have the top finished today! Just a little reminder to change those needles and clean out the bobbin area before we start today. Everytime you get up to empty the bladder stretch, touch those toes(or knees)! Arms over the head....and stretch...Dont it feel good!? I think we get so caught up in sewing that we forget about us. Prevention on us and our machines, one wont work without the other. Turn the radio on...(micheal jackson) "ABC...Its as easy as Do-re-me..

Ok now sit in sewing chair grab the seat on the left side with both hands and twist your upper half to the left...stretch....hold it....lets do the other side.....stretch...feels good. Ok now put the peddle to the metal and lets get these stitches-a-stomping!

Have a great day! Happy Stitching!
Oh, so don't give me all this cheerful stuff! Go back to bed! :roll: :lol: I spent the whole night dreaming about how I am going to finish off my QAYG quilt. Don't like the way the instructions say to do it, so was trying to come up with a better way. I woke up with my hands so sore they feel like clubs. This is my errand day, so I probably won't be quilting. Too busy out "getting exercise" walking through WalMart. :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You'll be parking at the back of the lot right?!...LOL
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