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Old 12-08-2008, 01:59 PM
kpalombo's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 5

I love my polydactal cat but he uses his extra toes to pull the thread out of the needle, He wraps his paw over the needle and uses that extra toe to grab the thread. When ge gets it he tried to run off with it. I try to keep the door shut when I am not in there. Even when I am in there I am just afraid he will get himself polked by a stray straight pin or get burned on my iron. My last cat actually ate a threaded needle and after several hundred $$$ for emergency surgery we had it removed from his intestine. I learned to keep all threaded needles in a box in the drawer. I know I could ban him from the sewing room however he would just sit at the door broken hearted meowing until I gave up and let him in the room. I just try to keep that room as safe as I can.
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