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Old 01-26-2011, 04:48 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Snowy Minnesota
Posts: 1,378

I love QB because I'm a newby and it's opened my eyes to all kinds of things about quilting: questions (complete with answers), problems (complete with proposed solutions), techniques like bargello, cathedral window, and SO many more (complete with tutorials and links to other sites), etc. Who knew there were so many different techniques, so many ideas, and so much info out there?

Each day, I read the threads that contain technique info that I should absorb. (I read pages and pages.) For dessert, I look at every photo. They inspire me to keep building my skills until the day I can make something really special. (I'm almost at the end of Volume 1 of Harriet and Carrie Hargrave's book series, The Quilter's Academy, and I'm taking the 4-Seasons Beginners Bargello course at - both of which I learned about on QB! )

I honestly don't think I'd have the patience to be so deliberate if it were not for seeing, every day, the fantastic quilts y'all produce!

With gratitude,
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